Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A simple question

Am I a cynical Gen XY conspiracy theorist*, or does the ongoing water restrictions crusade on 891 ABC Radio represent nothing more than the simple desire of their middle-class, mortgage-castle, pre-bubble audience to have their lawns kept nice'n'green and stuff any one who would have them douse their quarter-acre but once a week?

*Is there any other kind?


  1. What is a gen XYZer doing listening to 891 in the first place?

  2. and look at one simple post you've cured my was sick-making a year ago, can't imagine how it would make my blood boil now

  3. DK - Uh, I was only tuning in for directions on how to listen to something else ...

    3rd Cat - Please, allow me to continue!
    * The Advertiser
    * Southern 1-way Express Way
    * A Current Affair
    * Today Tonight
    * Rex Jory
    * Graham Cornes
    * Footy Footy Footy Footy Footy Cricket Cricket Pre-season Footy Footy Rape Scandal Grand Final
    * Burnside Ladies Who Lunch
    * Kevin Foley
    * Mike "Go Panthers" Rann
    * The Festival of Fringe and Fuel

    Need I go on?
    If so, sorry, I'll just have to wait until tomorrow morning's drive time with Matt and Dave.

  4. Uh oh, I'm losin' 'em!

    Central Markets
    Beaches galore
    20 minutes to everywhere
    Cheapish rent
    All your friends live here
    Gouger Street in general
    Fresh Fruit and Veg
    Sunset over water
    Rain in the hills
    Uh ...

  5. Pie Floater
    Balfours Frogs
    Haighs Chocolates...

    Hang on Mike "get my photo everywhere" Rann

  6. Thanks Franzy, for reminding me why I love Adelaide and will probably never leave.

  7. frog cakes are shit

    please not to be mentioning the ABC morning show again

    actually, I think the southern expressway was a clever solution to a problem faced by a cash-strapped state (which doesn't mean I like the govt that put it in, just that I think it was a clever idea)

    not to derail your comments thread or anything

  8. @thirdcat; I agree, frog cakes are awful. They're cute to look at, but not worth eating. They're just a mouthful of tasteless, fluff.

  9. Shippy - Actually, it's Mike "Go. Panthers." Rann.
    (Remember that ad? Most pathetic barrack ever.)

    River - And if you ever do leave, it's always
    'This coffee is shit!'
    'You call this red wine?'
    'I'm not paying five bucks for limp fruit!'
    'Ugh, the humidity!'
    'So "decriminalised" isn't like "illegal"?'

    3rd Cat - Aaargh a dissenter what ever will i do. I had my first frog cake when I was about 20 and I've had about 4 since then, most of them at my cousin's wedding where the entire wedding cake was made of black and white frog cakes (he's Sri Lankan and she's pale and blonde). They make my molars sting.

    The Expressway is a clever idea ... except when you're on the wrong end and staring up at those big red Xs.

  10. Oh, the add, yes. What a twitter!

    I've never devoured a frog cake!

    What about bung of fritz? The fact that we call it fritz.


An explanation of The Joy Division Litmus Test

Although it may now be lost in the mysts of thyme, the poll below is still relevant to this blog. In the winter of 2008, Mele and I went to live in Queensland. In order to survive, I bluffed my way into a job at a Coffee Club.
It was quite a reasonable place to work: the hours were regular, the staff were quite nice, it wasn't particularly taxing on my brain.
There were a few downsides: In the six weeks or so that I worked there, there was about a 90% staff turnover (contributed to by my leaving). This wasn't seen as a result of the low pay, the laughability of staff prices or the practice of not distributing tips to staff, rather it was blamed on the lack of work ethic among Bribie Island's youth.
However, one of the stranger aspects of the cultural isolation that touched our lives during our time "up there" was the fact that nobody at my work had heard of the band Joy Division.
The full explanation is available here.
But please, interact a little further and vote in my ongoing poll. The results are slowly mounting up, proving one thing: people read this blog are more well-informed about Joy Division than anyone who works at the Coffee Club on Bribie Island.

Have you heard of the band Joy Division?

Chinese food, not Chinese Internet!

Champions of Guess The Header

  • What is Guess The Header about? Let’s ask regular “Writing” reader, Shippy: "Anyway, after Franzy's stunning September, and having a crack at 'Guess The Header' for the first time - without truly knowing what I was doing mind you - I think I finally understand what 'GTH' is all about. At first I thought you needed to actually know what it was. Don't get me wrong — if you know what it is, it may help you. I now realise that it's more Franzy's way of invoking thought around an image or, more often than not, part of an image. If you dissect slightly the GTH explanatory sentence at the bottom of his blog you come up with this: “The photo is always taken by me and always connects in some way to the topic of the blog entry it heads up.” When the header is put up, the blog below it will in some obscure way have something to do with it. “Interesting comments are judged and scored arbitrarily and the process is open to corruption and bribery with all correspondence being entered into after the fact and on into eternity, ad infinitum amen.” Franzy judges it, but it's not always the GTH that describes the place perfectly that gets it. “The frequent commenters, the wits, the wags and the outright smartarses who, each entry, engage to both guess the origin and relevance of the strip of photo at the top (or “head”) of each new blog and also who leave what I deem the most interesting comment.” It generally helps if you're a complete smartarse and can twist things to mean whatever you feel they should mean - exactly the way Franzy would like things to be twisted." - Shippy Blogger and GTH point scorer.
  • Nai - 1
  • Lion Kinsman - 2
  • Will - 2
  • Brocky - 2
  • Andy Pants - 2
  • The 327th Male - 3
  • Mad Cat Lady - 3
  • Miles McClagen - 4
  • Myninjacockle - 4
  • Asheligh - 5
  • Neil - 5
  • Third Cat - 5
  • Adam Y - 6
  • Squib - 6
  • Mele - 6
  • Moifey - 7
  • Jono - 8
  • The Other, other Sam - 14
  • Kath Lockett - 15
  • Shippy - 19
  • River - 32