I have wonderful, happy memories of this machine. It was the first time I'd stayed up all night, drinking beer and playing head-to-head computer games. James Bond, Golden Eye and shouting "I got you!" and "No, you didn't, fucker!" are all hazy memories that I will treasure for a long time.
I also used to have a stack of other games which I had rented from a [large, litigious video rental company] in Ireland, shortly before returning to Australia. The owner of the long-term hostel I was staying in (see "Heeeeeere's Emery") was something of a small-time sleaze-bag. A pleasant enough fellow on first meeting, but after some time it became apparent that he ran casual, non-HI-certified hostels so that he could meet young, single women who were travelling the world and open to new experiences and drinking too much. That, and he never repaired the place. The second floor landing which I put my leg through one day remained a large enough hole to consider scrapping the first flight of stairs and installing a fireman's pole for four months. Because of the events described in Heeeeeere's Emery, I joined the local video store, obviously before they became aware that allowing transient backpackers to rent movieJust before I left, I popped around to the local [large, litigious video rental company] and rented as many New Release Nintendo 64 games as I was allowed, packed them in my suitcase and boarded a plane to Thailand. Unfortunately, those games are almost gone and Super Mario Land and Body Harvest are all that remain. Plus two controllers.
The bidding has begun at $15.
If the winning bidder is a previous commenter, they will get a special prize and three points!
GTH - Shippy for hilarity. Mele for hilarity, hotness and trying to her husband incarcerated.